Monday, March 11, 2013

Empowering Women of The Future!

Empowering women of the Future! is a women value re-orientation program designed to help young women enhance and develop their strengths and capabilities, in so doing aim to bridge the gender inequality gap.

One way of achieving this goal is through public awareness but also through targeted education of the girl-child with ideas and information that would motivate her to take her secular Education more seriously (for those in formal education) or training them in a vocational field (for those not in formal education).

Project Goals:

·         To connect women role models (SHEROS) with young women in rural and impoverished communities through social media, mentoring sessions and short video clips;

·         To motivate and encourage young women to continue and stay in formal education (where possible) and introduce the ‘sponsor a potential shero’ programme for those willing and able to undertake formal education but unable to afford it;

·         To engage young girls and women with current best practice in relation to sex, pregnancy and abuse.

·         To provide a safe haven or refuge and support for ‘at risk’ young women whilst their personal circumstances are assessed and feasible mediation/ solutions developed.

·         To empower and capacity build 10 young women in each community who in turn will become community champions for change to their peers and younger girls.

·         To empower outstanding teenage women with vocation trainings in bead making, soap making, wire works and so on.

·         At the end of each programme cycle (which is 3months), to organise a ‘shero awards’ gala where the most outstanding girl is recognised and all our sponsors and financiers, volunteers and mentors are also recognised. The girl get a new pair of school uniforms, shoes, socks, books and stationary free which would be sourced from corporate sponsors and supporters. 10 other runner up girls get school shoes, socks and books.

Challenges We Face:

The funding stream for the Project is still very limited to personal funds. This makes it unsustainable in both the short and long run.

The project also requires social media platform network and accessories for example mobile devices with camera and ability to connect to FB, Twitter, Skype, Website and Blogs.

The project also requires colour posters and skits, laptops and projectors for viewing short video clips and coolers for refreshments, minibus for transport and a website.

How You Can Help?

·         Financial aid/ donation;
·         Sponsor a ‘potential shero/ sheros’ through secondary to tertiary education;
·         Help us build a shelter ( a safe haven) for these battered young women;
·         Donation of equipment including but not limited to laptops, electronic notebooks, cameras, dongle/ modems, projectors for facilitating sessions, data re-charge credit with GSM networks, hosting website, smart phones and so on;
·         Supply of notebooks, stationary for distribution to the participants;
·         Donation of clothes, shoes, foodstuff and other items for these young women and their children;
·         Connecting us with philanthropists who would partner with us to help these young women who are desperately in need;
·         Connecting us with the Nigerian Police Federation to also run awareness sessions with officers regarding the criminality associated with domestic violence, violence and abuse against women and women trafficking;
·         Connecting with media organisations for greater publicity of our goals and aims;
·         Connecting with Federal & State Ministries of Women Affairs and Social Development on pioneering macro & micro-projects for women emancipation;
·         Connecting with Universities on sharing Research and Best Practice;
·         Connecting with celebrities, actors and actresses to be ambassadors of our lofty aims; and
·         Sharing creative and innovative thinking in supporting women and children everywhere. 

To support and be a part of this project, kindly send a mail to


  1. What is age bracket of focus.Young women ends at what age?

  2. Although we provide linkages between women of all ages in the community with organizations and vocational homes that capacity build and empower them in long term skills acquisition, The main focus of this project is for young women between the ages of 8 - 16; i.e those still in primary or secondary school because we are encouraging them to: go to school and/or stay in school.
