Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Women and Girls Online: Mitigating Risk of Grooming and Abuse.

ASHA Empowerment and Development Initiative organized a one day workshop in Ajegunle on 28 February to train women and girls on safety and security concerns online.
Facilitators at this workshop were: Barr Titi Akosa, Executive Director, Centre for 21 Century Issues; Mrs Emmanuella Akinola, Director of Media and Publicity, Disability Policy Advocacy Initiative and Ms. Vweta Chadwick, Global Programmes Director, ASHA Empowerment and Development Initiative.

Sunday, March 01, 2015

In Solidarity with the Chibok Girls

On April 14 2014, almost 300 Nigerian schoolgirls were abducted from their school dormitory in the middle of the night. There has been reports of subsequent abductions of girls and women in North Eastern Nigeria as a form of deterrent to girls education.

These crimes against humanity, against women has not left the world in general and Nigerians in particular, unscarred. As concerned global citizens we refuse to accept this as the norm, as a way of life whether in Africa, or in Asia or even the Americas. Unhindered access to education is a right that every woman and girl should enjoy without fear of reprisal.

When words fail, as they do at times like these, we find other mediums to express our outrage, our pains, our hopes.
Read the full press release here.
Watch the video on ASHA TV